Friday, January 13, 2023

Absolutely Inspirational!

 Remember that famous dialogue? A shoeshine boy refusing to accept the due payment thrown at him? "Mai Aaj bhi feke hue paise nahi uthata!". Wherever life may or may not take him, every person in the cinema hall admired his self respect and pluck, right?

Well, on the Quora which flashes occasionally @ my e-mail account, I read this story about a boy who every day worked as a shoeshine boy for twelve long hours, and  studied at night. Without fail, he topped every class exam.

As there was actually a pic to go with the story, it could not be a false feed from the Wapp University. What an inspiration! How much suffering people face in life, and yet never let go of efforts and hope!

The read made me realise two things: Number One: The social media need not always be toxic. Number Two: However many traumatic/lunatic experiences life and/or nasty meanies around you may throw at you, neither of these can harass you if you do not give up on your dreams! 

Dream, hence, forever! Work in a focussed, hard and smart way to make these visions in to realities, and life then would be  Eternal Sunshine for you!

Pratima@  Sure your feet should forever be firmly fixed on Terra Firma! Your head must, however, be always amongst the stars! 

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