Sunday, January 8, 2023

The Prince as the Pauper

 I am sure you know the plot of this novel by Mark Twain. It is entitled "The Prince and the Pauper". It tells the story of a prince who impersonates a pauper, thus gets to know the life of a common man, the difficulties faced by his suffering subjects, and that makes him a more sensitive king, a 'right'ful ruler, a better human being, in brief.

Well, the narrative that unfolds in Twain's novel might not exactly be the reality. The British monarchy, moreover, that Edward VI, the son of King Henry VIII, the titular eponymous protagonist of Twain's novel, inherited is vastly different from its contemporary avatar. Yet the current melodrama that is unfurling in England is indeed real, and yet stranger than fiction!

Prince Harry, the younger son of King Charles III, who has been crying his heart out in all sorts of talk shows in his adopted country, is bringing out, it seems, his memoirs (must be, most probably, ghost written) that reveal no sympathy for his country  facing a grave crisis, neither for the suffering citizens, and surely not for his own royal family.

He, it seems, has decided to bare all his troubles which apprarently consist of Big Bro getting a bigger room in the castle, Wifey Dear not getting her way around, and so on, and so forth! It seems, he has never been Bunker Harry, and to prove his bravery, he has put himself and family exposed to the reigning supremacists in Afghanistan!

If that is indeed true, his intellectual calibre, it must be stated, leaves a lot to be desired. Apparently, the book details his horrible escapades such as doing the drugs, getting dead drunk, and generally making a spectacle of himself in multiple other ways! 

What ridiculous issues to be revealed by a man in his thirties! Or is it in his forties? How peurile when his country, where he has always led a privileged life of total comfort, is facing real lived difficulties such as the Covid threat, the economic crisis post Brexit, made much worse due to the Ukraine War! Hence the title of this blog!

May be, as commentators argue, the prince wants to overcome his own pauperdom, given his self exile. Monies need to be manufactured. The best titillation would be washing the dirty linen in public as readers, he must believe, are brainless enough to plod through some five hundred pages, it seems, of such much known royal scandal!

It seems his sense of being 'spare'd by birth was seconded by Wifey Dear who thus wanted bread and butter through bared (though not bred) bawling! Well, whatever Wifey, apparently a propah Mrs Manipulative, may 'manage', does not one have a head, if not the heart and the soul, to understand one's sense of belonging to a family that so far gave him everything, including this birthright to use the public space for a total tell-tale! Hence he seems to be indeed a candid candidate for a novel entitled The Prince as Pauper! 

Pratima@ Sad that in the twenty first century world when the AI is creating alternative realities, a prince should 'hurry' the death knell of the decorative monarchy by 'harry'ing it so!

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