Saturday, January 28, 2023

The Vacation Feel

 January 26 was a national holiday. This Saturday happens to be the fourth Saturday. Sunday is anyways a holiday. Most employees in the organised sector, and many students, have granted themselves a holiday on Friday. Thus Wednesday evening began the mini vacation. 

Often in our country, there are many such self declared vacations. What is your take on such breaks? Well, my opinions regarding this issue may not exactly be welcome in many circles possibly.

I feel that most people around us, especially in the government and/or semi-government jobs, do not work zealously. The utmost attempt often is to shirk duties and work related assignments as much as possible. The question hence of work induced, or otherwise, fatigue hardly arises, right? 

When avoiding job related responsibilities for which one gets paid is the common concern, how can there be any  burn-out? In other words, most often, people are looking for reasons to avoid work, shirk responsibilities, right? Sure one should party hard if one prefers the party feel. Do not you think though that it should be preceded by working hard? Otherwise, would not the charm of relaxation vanish in to thin air!?!?

If you rarely and hardly work but always party hard, vacations would get more boring than work itself! What say?

Pratima@ Work may not be worship for one and all. It should not be time pass either as such an attitude ruins your own soul!

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