Sunday, January 22, 2023


 Are we getting to be an exploitative society? What I mean to say is: are most people these days interested in taking advantage of the situation, and of others?  Are we as a society getting to be more and more meanly and cheaply self centered at the cost of others? Have we stopped being a caring and sharing society? Instead are we merely, but rapidly, turning in to a give-n-take society?

Unfortunately, the answers to most all of these questions is a resounding 'yes'. Most people these days are neither committed citizens nor are they responsible at the job. As for care-n-concern for others goes, most people are hardly worth being called 'human'. Most often, these days, animals are more genuine and generous than the so-called human beings.

Shirking one's duty as much as possible, doing minimally and indifferently whatever work gets assigned, promoting only one's own mafia and ganging up, however poor quality-wise, licking the powerful feet (only) when the owner(s) of these feet is present, this is the work culture in most places.

 People prepare ppt's once and for all, for example. On the strength(!) of these, without minimal most changes, eons can pass happily. There are candidates, who will not change the 'junior/senior college' to 'higher secondary' in the PPT, while teaching at the school level, but their gang will hail them as geniuses who are better than Shakespeare, Milton and Wordsworth put together!

Such people desperately need to bad-mouth others. Rumour mongering, gossiping, passing vicious judgements without any reason or valid proof are the hobbies and spare time activities of such gangs. As work hardly matters to them, they have abundant spare time to 'work' on such activities.

In the process, not merely work culture but their own selves as well get truncated. Such pigmy personalities destroy not merely themselves, but the entire fabric of the society.

Luckily, however, there is a minority on whose back rides the authenticity, the efficiency and genuineness of any institution/company. I try my level best to be in such happy company. Luckily, my immediate family has always belonged to this category. 

My parents ingrained genuine values, idealism and creativity in all the three of us. They hated empty, shallow showiness, and taught us how to avoid such scenarios. We were taught to respect and value the genuine worth, not the money power or usefulness of people around us. 

That does not at all mean that we did not enjoy life. We did, and continue to do so, and abundantly, and positively. Indeed I thank my stars for being part of such a genuine togetherness.

Pratima@What is thy life if full of vile villainy?/As then hast thou no time for the truly brainy!

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