Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Vicious Cruelty

 Have you read about the viciously cruel Delhi accident in the wee hours of the new year? A car dashed against a woman's scooty apparently, and dragged her around for miles on end. While she died due to multiple injuries, the duds in the car did not even realise, it seems, whatever was happening!

How would that be possible? If a scooty or a dead body were to be stuck in/around a car wheel, it would make a terrible noise, not to forget the obvious difficulties in driving the car. The only conclusion hence is that the five creatures in the car were either dead drunk or they committed this heinously cruel act knowingly!

Whatever is happening to people? Where have compassion and empathy evaporated? Into the stratosphere? Is it a 'victimising a woman' issue? Or is it plain indifference to others' pain and hurt?

I think basically it is absolute                       self-centred behaviour. People of all sorts and at different authority positions behave with utter callousness these days. A peon who consciously does not allow you to meet the officer and the officer, who despite an appointment, keeps you waiting because (s)he is busy with office politicking and silly gossiping and ganging up to make a game of a person s/he does not want around are equally self-obsessed with that small little power position that has gone to head.

 The next stage/step of such vulgar self- importance is the Delhi barbarity which, too, consists of plain ignoring, in fact, enjoying the discomfort and pain of someone else who appears defenceless against one's mean obsession with power and self-importance.

Due to such self-obsession, actually you dirty your own self to such an extent that you can without any pang of conscience harm and harass another. The 'high' is more if the victim of your  self indulgence is a woman! 

Harassing a woman is always easy because the societal mindset easily grants she has to be by definition wrong. To cover up your own issues and infirmities, you can easily spread vicious rumours targetting an innocent woman. Well, you think she is in your way. Remove her! How does it matter whatever happens to her?

It is such vicious cruelty of the "i, me, my ego, my comfort, my pleasure, my gang" that is the real cause of the Delhi barbarity. Sure there would be enquiry. Hopefully there would be justice. It may even be argued that the perpetrators would be paid back in the same coin in this very life, etc, etc, and etc! What is the use though? An innocent, blooming life has forever been squashed most cruelly! How about her family? What happens to them? Why worry though so long as your ego trips are on!

Pratima@ Self-centred callousness and vicious cruelty are two sides of the same coin!

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