Sunday, January 15, 2023

Hic, hic, hiccups

 When we were small, there was this belief. If you get a hiccup suddenly, someone, who genuinely cares for you, loves you, is thinking of you passionately, deeply. What a lovely, romantic meaning to assign to a physical action, otherwise miles away from anything approaching any positive, delicate feel! As for love, given the weird sound of hiccups, and the awful facial expressions while suffering the hiccups attack,  it would apparently not appear miles and miles anywhere in its vicinity!

Well, when we grew up, basic biology clarified how the diaphragm contracted due to the pressure built by acid reflux. Such details could drive away any possible romance. 

There were, moreover, comic references when it came to getting rid of the hiccups. Apparently, it would go away if you looked up at the ceiling where would be scowling a harridan of a mother-in- law!!! Actually, it would be a way of the royal release of the pent up air pressure, i suppose.

As Aai's caregiver, hiccups came to signify an antacid with warm water and the electric heating pad at a moderate temperature on the belly or the candle/glass treatment.

Remembered all these avatars or versions of  the hiccups coz just a few days ago, i got a terrible attack of hiccups which lasted for more than half an hour. The basic biology information regarding a release of acid reflux would not gel as there was not any cause whatsoever. Despite  such an impossibility, i tried every possible  method to get rid of it. It just would not subside.

Suddenly flashed back the childhood memories of that simple belief that someone acutely remembers you when you hiccup. Discreet enquiries proved that both my brothers and my much loved nephews were doing well. 

Given the strength and the duration of the hiccups spell, and the fact that it just would not vanish, here is wishing that the person who remembered me thus, had memories that. were positive and kind and good, and helpful! Long live memories!

 Pratima@Heart has reasons the head knows nothing of!

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