Friday, January 20, 2023

Mother Love

 Do you watch wild life videos? They are indeed superb. Just as I like channels like the "Discovery" and the "National Geographic", i love to watch videos about wild life, animals in the open, for instance.

There was this lovely video that i watched recently. It showed an elephant mamma and her calf. The cow, as female elephants are known as, and her calf had got stuck in a  pit with quicksand and extremely slippery, sticky mud. The pair were stuck in almost till the shoulder of the cow. 

In other words, they possibly could not come out on their own, and were in real danger. All along the cow was trying to save her calf with her trunk. In fact, that attempt to save the calf, its safety seemed to be the only reason of her existence.

The forest department soon came to their rescue. As the Mama Elephant would not allow anyone to come near her calf in trouble, she had to be sedated first. The calf was soon pulled out of the extremely sticky and tricky situation. It would not, however, come back to safe shores, out of the pit, without its mother. It kept running back to his drugged mother 

Finally, the small one was sedated, too, and brought to a safer place. Very soon,  after structured efforts by the Forest Department officials, the cow, its mother, too, was on safe, dry ground. 

The calf woke up first from its sedation. Immediately it ran to its mother as if to wake her up. What an intense and lovely bond between the two! A beautiful and touching example of mother love it was!

Pratima@ Be it human beings or be it animals, the mother love, the parental instinct, is indeed the strongest, and especially when the child is in solid trouble. 

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