Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Wither Simplicity?

 Whenever one just casually looks around, what does one get to see? People decked up to capacity, right? Why, often the DP's of most wapp accounts are literally fashion parades! Each such pic, regularly replaced, has the perfect dress combination 'suited' with all sorts of jewellery items and accessories, though we do not always get to see the 'booted' part of the person!

Take any walk of life, people are dressed to kill. No urban/semi-urban/rural divide here, please!  Dressing up, making up seem to be the life foci for all the age groups. People, the male of the species included,  seem so  obsessed with 'looks' that   one wonders when they get the time for it all! Better not talk about the expenses involved! Such scenarios scarcely seem to jell with the scarcity debates in the wake of an impending recession!

Beyond the economics and finances of it all, there is another major issue involved. Well, one wonders if what seems to matter these days is mere image creation through all such paddings. Who cares then of the vacant space inside  ( be it head, heart or soul) such human beings?

Yet another major ideational issue seems to be that; lost as the contemporary world seems to show-shaw,  where has simplicity vanished? Simple living and high thinking is no longer a motto. Instead, it is high living and simplistic thinking! Even highly educated people do not understand, and much worse, are not interested in the intricacies and nuances that emerge out of genuine attempts at creative thinking. 

'Wither, simplicity' can no  longer be a valid question as withered is simplicity.  No wonder simplification is the mantra which is indeed dangerous as machines are already taking over so many of our creative and thinking functions, and en masse, too. Very few seem concerned with the dangers and difficulties involved therein as apparently machines, too, simplify life!

Well, paper roses can be rich every which way. They cannot be innately fragrant though. Nor can they birth a bud, even figuratively!

Pratima@ All great work, all superb ideas are always simple, and never ever showy!


Worth remembrance

 March 8 is the day women are showered with praise, hugely, in heaps and heaps. Literally, women are drenched in admiration on March 8. On t...