Friday, January 27, 2023

Pet themes

 A regular reader of my blogs wondered why i did not write about either the Republic Day or the Basant Panchmi.  Well, i respect both these occasions a lot. I have fond memories associated with both, too.

When we were children, it was our parents' labour of love to see to it that we attended the Independence Day and the Republic Day Parade at school, come what may. No excuses were thought of by either of us, nor would they have been tolerated by our parents.

There was a genuine and honest quality to that feel. Well, now multiple media have so tamed the themes that writing about these sounds like a rehash of mishmash. Hardly can these be the pet themes then, right?

Yes, that term 'pet themes' reminds me of a study which tried to analyse why snakes can never be pets. Actually, people keep many other dangerous animals as pets, right? Why not snakes then? Are we influenced by tales such as the Takshaka motif in the 'Mahabharata' or the  'satan'ic serpent tempting Eve? 

Not really though. As per scientific studies, apparently, snakes lack the cerebral hemisphere, it seems. Well, i have not myself read much on this theme. I am sticking to it as per tertiary reading. Well, it seems due to such a lack, snakes can never learn anything. Pets, on the contrary, are adept at adapting and at adopting to human companions.

Well, look at human beings, on the contrary. No study of human brain exists wherein there is any significant lack of any hemisphere, not even amongst the mentally retarded or challenged. Yet most human beings are  much worse than the vilest of the most poisonous cobras! Why? That is the million dollar question! May be, one day, robots who are supposed to follow the three Asimov laws, would have some answer to this conundrum. Till then, beware of frenemies!

Pratima@Better be beware of the snake lurking in the garden! Truly poisonous!

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