Thursday, October 26, 2023

Attention, please!

 The low attention span, that is the grouse that defines the current context. Believe me, it is not just the classroom that suffers this deadly dis-ease. Why, the much beloved channels (not any longer, what with the mobile and the OTT) cannot boast of holding the spectators' attention. Flipping through countless channels is the fav (see, never any attention gets paid to the full form when quickie pronunciations and vivid emojis do the job fast!) hobby of many viewers whose remote runs faster than the score board when Kohli is batting.

Why is the attention span so low? Ideally, as per the human physiology and the brain chemistry, forty-five minutes form the upper limit. Now, however, being bored boils down to five minutes tops. 

One of the reasons could be the  information overload and easy accessibility of shallow information. Let me give you an example. Till almost 2010, apps were not so very easily available. When a kid learnt a foreign language hence, he had to pay attention. Now, ladle de pappaji aur mummiji believe that hundreds of app's and thousands of YouTube videos can turn their silly, over- pampered brat in to an expert overnight. So who needs attention!?!

With the advent of the AI, the malaise may grow, and worse. Till now, one had to stay put and browse through the very many sites. Now a minimal feed in to the ChatGPT finishes off in a jiffy what would take tedious hours earlier. Why and who would need attention span? When being 'creative' is so easy, who needs riyaz or why the eye-(and brains, if any)straining read, right?

Look at the celebrities now. They are here today, and gone tomorrow. Everything appears to be fast now, inclusive of all the meanings of the term 'fast', mind you. Attention, which comes from a Latin root which means give heed to, be alert, obviously needs time and systematic consideration, and is hence scarce.

Unfortunately, low attention span does not merely affect pedagogic or professional abilities. Slowly but surely, human relationships, including close bonds, are turning in to kaleidoscopic images that shift and re-arrange with every tilt and each twist! That is the real tragedy with no possible happy ending lining any near or distant horizon!

Pratima @ We still have time, a lot of time, to make ourselves what we truly are, if only we pay attention!

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