Tuesday, October 10, 2023


 "The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, and a hell of heaven," thus enthused Milton's Satan, when it came to awakening, arousing his followers, his foot soldiers, the fallen angels from their depressed state of mind which was much worse than the labyrinth of fire and brimstone that they were literally wallowing in.

Yes, depression is that ancient. From the post-lapsarian period to the post-modern, one of the constants has been depression. Currently, of course, there is an epidemic of depression, more contagious and deadlier than even the dreaded Corona virus caused Covid!

In a way, it is inevitable as life these days is a regular morass. It sure sucks. The eternal  nuclear threat, that could be an apt metaphor for life today. There is no knowing, none and never, when which Hamas would erupt in whichever form! There are very very few emotional stays, moreover. Those with a very fragile bent of mind are often likely to crack up.

And yet it is quite a fashion statement to wear your depression on your sleeve. Just as once it was fashionable to be a Devdas or a little later, a brooding angry man about to explode any second, now it is quite 'normal' to be a "nadan parinda" screeching "sadaa haq".

Well, in addition to the "chemical lochya" in that yet to be understood organ called the brain, there are  such add-ons habitually enjoyed by 'smart' girls-n-guys as liqueur and drugs that make every region an "udta Punjab".

That is because most people are not ready to taste the test of that zing called life with all its very many low's, and very few but much deserved high's. Well, that requires understanding how to invoke the happy hormones despite the deadliest troubles. Remember what Milton said? In a way, WE plan our heavens, and we plant our hells. 

Just look around and you would see how many real troubles people face with quiet grace, huge dignity and genuine heroism, making every day a success story. Why worry and woefully cry  that you have to wear contact lenses when in your classroom, you teach daily a visually impaired person who carries on with life absolutely effortlessly, as if there is no idea of darkness and everywhere shines the golden sunset.

No, I do not believe in that 'be always happy, be always positive' crap. Yet it is equally true that we can work on ourselves, rebuild our lives, however meagre the materials and however broken the tools may appear. In brief, like everything else in this weird, wild world of ours, depression, too, passes. Why not help it go away faster?

Pratima@ Like life, mind is beautiful!

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