Sunday, October 8, 2023

Tech takes!

 Yesterday was a rather weird day. Well, i do not like to be Ms Gripe. Indeed I am none. "Why worry? Let the silly stuff itself bury" has always been my motto because I do believe that when a window closes, a much wider door opens. Similarly, when someone is consciously creating very many difficulties and a lot of trouble for you, the best way to defeat such unholy aspirations is just not be bothered by the whole of it. Getting affected is granting the wicked the pleasure of their  villainy.

Yet, yea though! So many things went wonky  yesterday, and the worst bit of it was the fact that I was not wrong at all in any of these scenarios. Morning I attended the convocation of the GIPE coz we have instituted a prize in Papa's memory. A student of mine was to graduate as well. Well, I was there sharp at 10.30. 

The technology failed, and the live streaming consisted of funny sounds now and then, and a snap or two of the ceremony. I pitied from the core of my heart the parents who had travelled all the way from places as far-flung as Kolkata, for instance. Like me, there was another teacher who wanted to enjoy her student's glory. She, too, was from West Bengal. Another set of parents had a son with the Down's Syndrome, and he was getting more and more irritated by the second. Sad scenario! 

Technology failure was to stare me in the face yet again, and equally critically. My laptop has been misbehaving lately. So got it thoroughly checked by the computer expert. It stayed with him for a day for a recheck. The battery was changed. Suddenly still, it started a leak which made the laptop stop precisely five minutes before the deadline. Then suddenly the Word went weird!  

The whole stuff almost appeared staged. Well, with technology, one is opener to victimisation by wicked crookedness. A creep can station a vehicle within fifteen meters in the vicinity. Powerful online/offline tools they have to technologically intervene in innocent lives. I have already discussed how a water meter has stopped my water supply. Often while typing the blog, saved matter vanishes, but funny rangoli refuses to disappear!

Sure I did try to explore alternative ways to deal with the situation. They may turn out to be effective. I, moreover, think that thus I get yet another chance to burnish my stuff. All that is well, and it WILL end well. Yet one is human after all, and wallows for a few minutes in senti self pity for being harassed for no rhyme no reason! Well, when crooks collide, innocence suffers!

Pratima@ The technolgy is the new avatar of the genie in Alladin's lamp. Unfortunately, Alladins these days are Sadist-uddins! 

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