Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Walking the talk

 October 2. Each year, the same ritual. That is to say, most people realise rather late that the day marks the anniversary of both, the Mahatma and his outstanding hardcore disciple. Yes, I am referring to Lal Bahadur Shastri. 

Both the guru and the disciple, that is, both Gandhiji and Shastriji, are unique because both of them walked the talk. Let us look at a few examples that would prove this point of mine.

As Gandhiji, for example, genuinely cared for the lowest of the low, like them, forever he travelled the janata class, and wore minimal clothes. Such integrity of purpose getting reflected in his actual behaviour in the daily lived life was the hallmark of Shastriji as well. 

Apparently, in his son's college application form, this prime minister indicated his profession as "government servant." I am very proud of the fact that Papa shared many of Shastriji's sterling qualities, and hence have a special soft corner for him.

Due to this yen for "walking the talk", not only were their lives sans luxury and creature comforts, they suffered a difficult death as well. Honest and genuine people are always a thorn in the flesh for most!

Well, times have changed totally. In a way, the innocent idealism possible then appears improbable now, and yet, even today, much respected are those who walk the talk. However professionally driven the mores may be now, all continue to care for those who practice what they preach!

Pratima@ 'Ever respected everywhere are those who do not merely tell, but actually show' is the moral such lives on us bestow.

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