Friday, October 27, 2023

Gratitude enriches us!

 In my opinion, gratitude is the greatest virtue. What say? Well, the biggest debt of gratitude, of course, goes to our parents.  The mother who gives us birth, rears us literally giving up her selfhood sure needs all our gratefulness. But so does the father. His silent love, care, concern which give wings to our dreams often get overlooked, a serious emotional crime in my opinion. 

Next, our siblings deserve our deep appreciation. They 'know' us, and hence support us the best when it comes to tough times. The very feel that in this huge wide universe, there is somebody in whose veins courses the same blood as yours is a very calming feel, right?

I do sincerely and seriously think that our profession as well as the institute where we work deserve our gratefulness. Most all people look at the job as a boring routine to be "finished" off, as a rut outside which lies life! Well, forget all high funda ideals, the two time meals proceed thence!

Sure, Mother Nature, Motherland, Society, our pets, too, need our eternal thankfulness, right? Unfortunately, however, most of us ignore them, ill-treat them, vitiate them the worst way, right?

Friends, too, deserve our thanks if they are the right ones. If the friends are distractions in human forms and/or frenemies in trendy clothes/gadgets, lives get ruined. Friends, like jealous, vicious relatives, are a double edged weapon, to be carefully, cautiously handled.

I do think, however, that at least some part of our gratitude should be reserved for our own "self", ready to grow, committed to constant self-analysis, standing up to any negativity, however quixotic it may appear to others, the  balanced "i-deal" that makes life worth living, i believe! 

In brief, one should be like the Datt Avatar who found a "guru" in everything he encountered and in everyone he met, live, inanimate, small or big, human or animal, and so on! Thus takes roots gratitude in our being, and thus flowers a life that becomes a gorgeous garden worth a visit day n night!

Pratima@ Gratitude for today, for the tomorrow, while thanking every experience past makes us truly beautiful, right?

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