Monday, October 23, 2023

The Dreaded Day!

 Tithi wise, today is a great day. It is the Durgashtami day. Of the Navratra, it is the most important day. Traditionally, on this day, in Maharashtra, there used to be the "Awahan" of the great goddess. In this ceremony dedicated to the invocation of the deity, there used to be a game called " ghagar funkane". Deep breathwork combined with lovely footwork would be the essence of this process. 

Date wise however, it is not exactly a heavenly day. Well, it is the date associated with a certain person whom most employed love to hate. Yes, you guessed it right. It is the boss' day.

Why is the boss often hated? For communicating authoritatively? Behaving brusquely? For aggressively finding fault in a job done the best way? For being suspicious? For being a tiger in the office, while behaving like the bunny rabbit at home?

Well, yes, that used to be the boss' image traditionally, what with a secretary he lusted after thrown in as the eye candy. Well, like every other relationship these days, the employee-boss bond has undergone a sea change, too. For one thing, most often, the boss is a SHE. Sure, there would be cases of the "devil wears Prada" variety of female bosses. 

I believe though that women perform better in any context typically denied to them. That is because women mostly are empathetic, genuine, caring, and creative. Sure, you might have met many women bosses who are anything but this. Such catty, mean, jealous bosses  could be the rule, but exceptions matter, right?

Moreover, these days most employees are their own bosses. For one thing, post pandemic, it is blended work. Most people work from home, dropping in at the office once a week. None can be too bad across the distance mode, may be!?!

Yet another change is that there are very few bosses these days, as there are many start-up's. When you are your own boss, life is easy; work is fun, right? May be, that is the time to be more self-aware, conscious and cautious, the duties traditionally a boss performed, right? In brief, 'boss is always right'!!!

Pratima@ The best boss makes one an excellent employee, right?

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