Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Good Side of the Bad

 Well, I would not know whether you, too, are a diehard optimist  like me. Well, as for me, I always try my level best to find the good, the proverbial silver lining, in the worst situation. 

Let me give you a concrete example. Most all people love to hate the social media. I look at it as a helpful friend. No, I am not talking about the "seven best quotes by Shakespeare" types of info bits, though I do flip through these. 

Actually, not only on the YouTube, but on very many internet sites, there is a huge pile-up of information, basic to advanced, on very many topics. I do browse through such pages, of course, for a given limited time. Yet indeed it is time well spent. 

Similarly, in the worst kind of scenario, I always try and see something positive, a minute little thing one learns from it. An example could be the following. i know how one feels when the so-called busy people would not answer your message. As a result, till this day, I have never ever left a message unanswered. I might just use at least an emoji even though my knowledge of emoji's is not very thorough.

Even when it comes to people, even if they are not closely located in my lifescape, I try to learn from others' negative traits. A hypocrite may show me the snake in the garden, while a frenemy would teach me how not to be too very credulous. 

In brief, in this life of ours, every moment is a teacher, every situation adds to experiences, every person, even when distant, is a trainer! Life, in brief, is a school which allows you to be a life long learner, and every day is an exam where you may seemingly fail to soon pass it with flying colours.

Pratima@ We may fall/fail again and again. In the process, we rise/raise ourselves time and again, right? 

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