Thursday, October 5, 2023

Here is looking at films!

 Films are fantastic, right? Watching them on screen in a movie hall is a unique experience. These days, however, hardly is it a family feel. The reasons thereof are many. First and foremost, most people prefer the privacy of their respective mobiles. What with the competition from the OTT and stuff, the content may often not exactly be the family together watch types. Yet another reason could be the cinema hall ticket price, which is quite phenomenal, what with the mandatory popcorn and cold drink, et al. 

On the National Cinema Day celebrated recently, the movie halls generously reduced the price to Rs 99/-. It could be one of the ways to continue getting spectators back to the cinema hall in the post pandemic period. When 'national' is a prefix, emotions are easier to whip up either way, and by everybody involved. Why get cynical when talking of art though?

Similarly, let me not here get in to the discussion of the concept of nation  in the post-colonial mode. Yet, unmistakably, there is a national film experience. One can easily locate a French film, a German movie, 'the' Hollywood product, not to forget the excellent Irani films.

In India, too, Bollywood or mainstream films are just the tip. The great regional films create the national ethos. These movies use unbelievable genres. Unique are their themes. They are director-driven. They are hence a 'vision' in every sense of the term.

Yes, films may not enjoy the immediacy of a theater performance. Yet watching them is pure magic. Watching them on screen is sheer witchery. What with the galloping growth of the AI, very soon we may get to watch the movies the 4D immersive way.  No harm hence quoting Humphrey Bogart's famous line, though slightly altered, and exult, ' here is looking at films'.

Pratima@  Yet again, to slightly misquote THE Don, Films make us an offer we can't refuse! Fascinating is the magical feel of the silver screen!

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