Saturday, October 7, 2023

Super Moms!

 Women started 'working' (that is, outside the household, and formally) during the first world war era, they say. Actually, all along the winding routes human history has taken, women have always been working. During the  pre-industrialisation times, marked by the agrarian economy and the barter mode, every artisan, be it carpenter, ironsmith or a farmer, for instance, was helped by the women in the family. 

This 'helpmeet' role was secondary though. 'She' was not the principle bread winner. Nor did she get any direct wages for her tireless work. Given the suffragist movement and given the paucity of men, as generations were occupied at (and were wiped out at) the war front, women had to 'work', feed the family.

Thus began the process of super mom making. She, the super mom, was more than the best every which way. At work, she was the owner's pride, and the rival companies' headache. At home, she was the best caregiver. Hers was the fluffiest cake. The clothes she stitched were better than the Van Heusen products. Her children were blessed, and called her so! 

This 'quality time' on all fronts business started getting on the nerves of women, and soon of everyone else. Now the pattern has done a perfect somersault.  In metros and big cities, most households are 'dink' set-up's. 'Dink' refers to 'double income, no kid' type of couples. Anyways, the extended family is there only to be ignored, and, if possible, to be ill-treated. 

The six-pack salary hence is often splurged on self, on a swanky home with Italian marbles and French windows, on flashy foreign tours, and, of course, on being the mumma hooman to the doggie dearest mostly, though, at times, it could be the kitty coolest as well. 

 Don't you believe me? Watch the YouTube. It is flooded with regular video-series of such pet pals who sure are cute. The expenses of the princely lives they lead could support at least one of the local language schools in the rural area which are mostly on the verge of extinction. May be, the CSR activities should be introduced, and made compulsory, on the home front as well!

Pratima@ This new version of the supermom phenomenon is yet another proof of how human lives are progressing down the primrose path of least responsibility. Very soon the preponderance of the AI and Robotics enabled household would intensify this feel. What say? 

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