Friday, October 13, 2023


 All of us perceive the world through five senses basically. They are the aural, the tactile, the visual, the olfactory and the gustatory. That is to say, we can hear, touch, see, smell and taste the world around us, and its facets. The respective organ for each one of these activities is indeed extremely important. 

Would you agree with me if I were to insist that the most crucial one, however, is the eyes? Indeed eyesight and its philosophical version, vision/insight are THE most salient features of our experience of the reality. 

Hence the relevance of today, the world eyesight day. Indeed it is important to celebrate this day. Very young to very old, all are addicted tom mobiles these days. Even more harmful than the laptop is the mobile.

Opthalmologists are repeatedly warning the whole world against the harm the excessive use of mobile causes. Hence this day to formally warn people. The internet would burst tomorrow with eye catching  (literally!) food items to exercises.

In my opinion, however, it is not just the physical eyesight that the social media is ruining. Much worse still, it is ruining our insight, the human(e) vision. It is this faculty that differentiates us from hyenas, may be. We are not governed merely by our bodily functions, and physically and physiologically defined demands.

Our vision (metaphorically) too makes us what we are, right? Unfortunately, the social media is ruining by the second such insight(s) as well. Hence the need to wake up, and hence the relevance of this day. Merely the abundance of cheap data should not blind us. We should make judicious use of the new modes of communication and knowledge acquisition. Used creatively, the  internet tools are heavenly! Why make them hellish, right? On this day dedicated to in-sight insist we shall on a choice and wise use of all media so as to be happy, healthy and wise!

Pratima@ "It is not what you look at that matters. It is what you see," says Thoreau.

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