Saturday, May 27, 2023

Dear Bro!

 Family as a concept seems appealing to the social imaginary these days. Wonderful it is as a concept even when controlled by the market forces. Are you confused about why i am making all such grand statements? Well, i realized this afternoon that May 24 was the "Brothers' Day"! 

Well, Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day are hardly a month apart, in May and June respectively. Now in between lies this yet another wonderful day though the market does not seem to have cottoned on to it in a big way or on a huge scale! That is the beauty of it actually!

Yes, brothers absolutely deserve a day.  In a way, my writerly career in a much respected Marathi magazine began because of my article on brother as an ideal man. Well, this editor, highly revered in the Marathi literary world, had dedicated an entire issue to the ideal man as seen by a woman. Parents were off the field. Father hence was not an option. Most all contributors wrote about friends, husbands. The editor liked immensely my unique article on brothers! It was much appreciated. Quite a high it was for a twenty something me!

Well, post the 9/11 terror, and all other such destructive activities, brotherhood is a bad word. Actually, George Orwell had earlier immortalised the 'big brother'. May be, reel makers galore take their inspiration from such negative "re-presentations". Hence typically brothers are bossy, bickering, et al. I know now why i find most reels simply boring, bothersome and repetitive kitsch.

Personally, i have a sneaky suspicion, strengthened via close observation of many such pairs, that sisters are awful, jealous in a mean, competitive way. I would not know for sure as i do not have a sister. 

As for brothers, i can assure you most sincerely and conscientiously that childhood onwards, brothers are treasures. They perform very many roles in one's life, and most honestly. They can be one's best friends, philosophers, guides. More aware of lived realities, they keep one grounded. They may not show off in public, but they are acutely aware of all of one's difficulties and distresses, and take care quietly.

Hence this acrostic as a tribute!

Brave n brilliant

Rare n  resilient

Outstanding n optimist

Tender n tolerant

Hardy n honest

Entertaining n enthusiast

Responsible n robust!

That is 'brother' for you, 'the' back-up you can forever rely on!

Pratima@A bro is a bro is a bro! /None like a bro, better you gotta know!!' 

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