Monday, May 15, 2023

Public Menace

 What would you think of a number of groups of the so-called Indian dividend, that is, the youth zooming, actually vrooming without the mandatory silencer, honking loudly, playing raucous music, at the same time screaming stupidities and neighing-cum-laughing past the midnight?

If it were to happen a day or two, you would think that, may be, they are celebrating loudly some birthday or some such thing. Of course, that  'high' is wrong, too, but you would just ignore it. But what if it is a regular feature? Obviously it is a Public Menace!

Some people would say that their parents have not brought them up properly. Well, why should these problem children (hardly! If their screaming voices are any proof, they appear to be in their late twenties/early thirties, an age when they should looking for jobs which they obviously do not have if they can while away time thus, right?) bother others with their poor, their bad upbringing?

At times, i feel strongly that they are paid to create such nuisance, such daily and nightly disturbance on a regular basis. Obviously, a person, who has the monies to splurge thus, must be getting it through wrong means such as the hawala or baiting and other such nefarious activities. 

Well, the police must continuosly patrol the lanes, and round up such goons, locate the mastermind behind them, and thrash him ruthlessly, before imprisoning him to teach such baddies a much needed lesson in civility, nay, civil liberties of law abiding citizens. The goon and his paid chamchas have no right to disturb others on a daily, eh, nightly, basis.

How can ordinary citizens confront them as it is the dead of the night? Such gems of stupidity would, moreover, argue that it is the 'public' road! Their 'civic' awareness is excellent when it is convenient to them! The police hence is the only answer.

Who gave hooligans the right to disturb people asleep? How about people who might be taking pills to get a wink of a sleep? If somebody is awake in her own home, that is, obviously because the silent night, the unholy (because of such badass activities!) night is quiet, and that peace helps her concentrate absolutely on her serious reading, creative writing, editing documents, whatever might be her creative work, right?

Obviously, the goon and his gang do NOT have any, forget creative, work to do! They have NO right to bother others because they are lazy bums. I wonder what corporators, and all such politicians of different hierarchy, do?

 Is not it their duty to control the public mence? Very soon they would be at the doorstep asking for votes! They MUST control such hooligans! Only then, such appeasement  demagoguery can, and must, stop.  Long live the basic rights of a law abiding citizen, and thus the democracy!

Pratima@ Mobocracy IS MENACE, and public, at that! Must be reigned in!By the public servants of all types!

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