Thursday, May 18, 2023


 Parag, my brother, is in England for a professional seminar. Ever since his seafaring days as a Merchant Navy Officer, Raju has always loved sending us photos as great memories. Earlier the pic's would reach us either after he posted them at the nearest port or when he came home after that particular voyage. In the anxious nineteen eighties and nineties, we used to wait literally eternally for his letters and calls. Now the wapp messages, the video calls, the Skype or zoom meetings make us feel that the distance has just evaporated, literally withered away.

That is the wonder of technology. Currently when this applied mode of science is changing the face of the world literally by the second, technology is nothing short of magic. Given the Technology Day, here is an acrostic, not attempted on the blog for quite some time!

Tremendous, rational and logical this vortex

Earth often has nothing fairer to show.

Cauldron that melts time-n-space dimension

Hot is its infinite pursuit of galaxies n atoms.

Nothing escapes its vast tentacles

Orbits of dark holes, genes, the God Particle 

Lost in this Time Machine, faster than light

Often still born are sustained developments!

Gorge(ous) it is, without any bottom.

Young ever, the teflon Medusa's deadly stare!

Pratima@ Technology now is neither a boon nor a curse. It simply IS, withering us every which way, an enormously giant Catherine wheel!

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