Sunday, May 7, 2023

Language changes

 Language changes. Sure it does. It is an unavoidable socio-cultural fact. Over ages, there are unmistakable changes.  These variations could occur in the phonetic/pronunciation area, or grammar may change (a double superlative , "the bestest" or a double negative is pretty rare now, except for a conscious stylistic effect). The fastest change, however, is in the area of vocabulary. Villain, for example, in the feudal era had nothing to do with the baddies of the "Mona, darling" variety.

Words shift, change, crack, collapse, open up or shut down. T.S.Eliot has best described this inevitable process in the 'Four Quartets'. It is a socio-cultural reality which, however, is horribly fast paced currently. Yes, due to the computer industry and the internet-enabled communication, words are shifty, thrifty, drifty when it comes to meanings, right?

Let us look at a few such nifty changes. A 'mouse' is no longer that furry little animal farmers dreaded, even though even in its current hardware avatar, it does love to run wildly as if a cat is chasing it. 'Burn', for example, has nothing to do with how farmers, especially near Delhi, fix the stubble, though these days c.d's, too, are unavailable for 'burning'!

A 'cloud', for example, no longer means rain, nor does a 'tablet' have anything to do with illness. 'Footprints' are now desirable, while 'block', currently a much dreaded activity, has nothing to do with apartments. Why, to 'follow' need no longer be a 'road Romeo' stupidity, though 'like' is much loved. Well, i can go on and on. But that would hardly be a good 'ping'! So better to stop before readers 'unfriend' me, right!?!

Pratima@ A 'wall' is now a space to leave your message at/on! Even then none would dare too much graffiti there, right?

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