Tuesday, May 2, 2023

May Day!

May 1 is indeed unique. For anybody who continues to believe that labour struggles must be reckoned with in the AI dominated, post LPG world today, May 1 must mean a lot. The world over, the 'welfare' notion/nation is no more. Literally as well as metaphorically. 

With the advent of the AI, the labour market in most all fields would absolutely turn upside down. As with any  artificial intelligence product, the bots are getting better, and more personalised, by the day. With each new edition/version of the ChatGPT, the Bard, and their brethren in very many fields, much of the service sector, the fulcrum of our economic equations, is tilting toward tough times ahead. 

The required new skill set is surely not everyone's cup of tea. Critical thinking, creative execution, such higher order skills are tough to be taught, especially because, for the majority, learning so far meant merely rote learning and summative assessment. 

At the same time, the speed of the advent of the AI enabled services is mind boggling. These are are sure to eat up any number of jobs. Constant life long learning of multiple disciplines would have to be the new strategy, and yet jobs will be hard to come by. 

In such a scenario, the International labour day and its promises would matter much, though, these goals, too, would need to be re(de)fined!

As for the Maharashtra Day, the whole day, even the so-called progressive, radical  wapp groups were busy forwarding the Maharashtra Theme Song, enacted by well-known actors, which turned out to be the advertisement of-n-for a film to be released soon!?! In the political field, the regular storms in different political party cups, eh, camps were brewing as usual. 

A stray message or two about women's household workload made so many rounds that it would re-surface on the same group after every two hours tops, proving how people just push ahead/further the message they read, without much thought.

 The May heat hit hot-n-hard; the pariah dogs roamed listlessly across the melting tar roads in search of water, their parched tongues hanging out. Hope el Niño takes pity on us, while most are busy with the usual banalities of life! Sadly, in brief, yet another May Day ended, not with a bang, but with a whimper!

Pratima@ "Wipe your hand across your mouth, and laugh;", wrote T.S.Eliot,
"The worlds revolve like ancient women
Gathering fuel in vacant lots."

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