Sunday, May 21, 2023

How to deal with toxic people?

 Bottlenecks are typical traffic woes. Bottlenecks can be a deterrent in a given process as well. Difficult they are to deal with. Somehow, through thoughtful alternatives, they can be tackled. In fact, they can even be completely removed thus, and forever.

Difficult it is when it comes to people who behave like bottlenecks. One might not have harmed them at all, not even in the minutest way.  Yet they cannot see the very sight of you. They would go the extra mile every which way to stop your progress. Why, they would even try to make your daily lived life difficult, and a terror, if possible. 

What to do with such living bottlenecks? How to save oneself and one's simple joys from toxic people? That indeed is a question. Suppose, there is a person who is unnecessarily nasty when one has not deserved that nasty comment? I suppose, delicately put the person in her place, avoid any contact whatsoever thereafter, preferably after a quiet graceful good bye whose subtlety the crass person may not even understand. 

That could be a strategy if the person is a distant frenemy. How to deal with a toxic person who has some,  or  lots of, power in a given context, and would stop your messages, your texts from reaching, for instance, creating consciously a negative image of you?  

I suppose,  one should use technology intelligently. I, for example, always bcc my e-mails. If they have reached my e-mail box, they must reach the proper, given address as well, right? One believes, moreover, in the decency of others in the organization who supposedly help out. If there are not/can not be (m)any such alibis, best to just keep fingers crossed!

Toxic relatives are the most difficult to deal with. Like every other jealous, envious, and basically rather a mean and nasty person, they can subtly, and/or openly, badmouth you.  All of such nefarious activities would be apparently coated with craftily innocent remarks/activities and/or sideways dagger looks you cannot even question or confront.

If they are not immediate family, you can avoid them as much as possible, and leave them to their 'karma' which would sure come round to them one day or the other. 

If they are in the ambit of immediate family, i suppose, the best way is to continue being yourself, and believe that your sincerity, genuineness would not go unnoticed. I suppose, moreover, toxic people are vicious in every other relationship as well. Quietly, everyone would have their measure, i suppose.

 Toxic people exist! One cannot do much about that fact. Instead, one never stops being one's genuine, honest, sincere, sensitive self. One never gives in to a depressed feel and disturb oneself much due to that toxicity. May be, one's constant progress and achievements would cause them so much toxicity that it would get cauterised in their very being! High hopes, but optimism and positivity are always the best buddies!

Pratima@ Toxic people teach you how, and what, not to be!

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