Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Genuine and sincere

 Do not we all have that special antennae that helps us spot a fake even if she/he is a mile away? What is it in her/him that appears irritating? Why does a person appear bothersome?

I suppose because we can instinctively understand that the person is a fake, loves to show off even the smallest achievement, is horribly envious, is hugely sneering in mannerisms, and dictatorial in speech, right?

Similarly, a girl who pretends to be ooh-so- sensitive, especially when her actions are absolutely not so at all is insincere as well. The question you would like to ask  is, "why such basic q-n-a", right?

Well, i attended an introductory lecture on content marketing. The lady who conducted it was screaming,  screeching away every point. She appared annoying. And that was because she appeared to be pretending. She was not what she appeared to be! 

Pratima@Words can scream while genuine sincere acts speak louder, right?

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