Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The cuppa that cheers

 Well, the tea that i make is not exactly a bad one. In fact, most people like its balance of milk and tea powder, and grated ginger, not to forget the lemon grass abundantly available in our backyard.

I am not a tea person though. For Aai, I used to make that special blend, tea powder, moreover, being the natural one. Afterwards,  I  would make my coffee. I love coffee. I can guzzle quite some cups. I never actually do so, but technically, ideally, i am capable of it. The coffee i absolutely adore is the proper decoction coffee. Its very fragrance is heady.

Anyways, tea can never ever match that simply superb drink. I prefer, nevertheless, to drink tea, when not at home, because the Maharashtrian idea of coffee is a concoction of excessively sugary syrup with much too much nutmeg powder doused in equal amount of hot water mixed with at least half a litre of milk per cup!

Horribly made tea concoctions are more tolerable than that cringe called coffee made the Marathi way. Most tea-makers unfortunately make tea as if it is basically boiled water with a few tea leaves, as few as is possible, and milk prefarably with cream. Imagine beginning your day with that watery tasteless liquid! It is at such times that i truly get an attack of despair born rage against the depraved British colonial tea estates. Horrible, simply horrible; both that bland brand called morning tea, and the colonial cruelty!

Currently very many varieties of tea tastes are apparently available. Imagine getting to drink tea that has an orange test. The very thought is so abominable, however much five star one it may be, that one thanks one's stars that oranges are not available the year around!

Each to his/her own taste! Let me stop this storm in the cup of tea  as many might be dreaming of one!

Pratima@ Tea can be the cuppa that cheers, may be, if presented the Japanese artistic way, i suppose.

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