Thursday, May 11, 2023

Dumbing Down

 What do you think is the real problem these days? Would you agree with me that 'everywhere each time very easy solutions' is the mantra? Let me give you an example or two to justify this claim of mine. What kind of writing is preferred these days? Well, very few people read books, to begin with. Most of these exceptions would also prefer easy reads that appeal as an entertainment than make them think, right? As it is, the Wapp and the FB are the most prestigious online universities!

As for the popular, actually populist, entertainment industry, it insists so much on simplification that laughters therein are beneath the laughable. Once again an example may prove the fact. Do you watch the so called comedy kind of programmes? Luckily, I do not. They are so simplistic, often consist of crude cross dressing in an ugly way, and yet the guests, so called celebrities, laugh so much, so hard and so loudly that one suspects that they are being paid for laughing like crazy at the silliest 'joke'.

Well, i would not know how far this is true. But the teasers on the internet suggest so. Apparently,  Mrs. Sudha Murthy is asked if she requires a visa to go to London ; or is the invite for her daughter's wedding enough? It seems everybody finds this question entertaining, and all guffaw hugely! 

I would not know how far this indeed is the case yet again, but, apparently, Mrs. Sudha Murthy, otherwise primly and properly in the eternal advise mode, talks of how her husband used to  look like a bus conductor! Is this the q-n-a that is appealing??!?? In a land where a bus conductor is THE Rajanikant!?! Even if it were not so, what is wrong in being a bus conductor? How can, moreover,  anyone publically deride anyone's 'looks'? 

Yes, there is no need to be always serious and stuffy. True, light hearted banter is but normal. Gentle playfulness makes the day. Absolutely! Why but the dumbing down in the name of comedy? Why must comedy be crass, crude, close to brainless silly vulgarity, gross, in brief!?!

Ironically, the real problem with such mass dumbing down is that in the AI dominated era today, the machines are getting smarter by the second. In such a world, even the commonest human being would need to hone his/her higher order skills such as critical/creative thinking. Instead, there is an almost conscious hammering of dumbed down content!

 May be, given the huge market place that India is, the market forces want their latest Gpt Chat avatars to sell, their robots to rule, and the AR, augmented reality, gamification to work as the sedative that lulls any creative/critical thinking!?! In brief, in an era when the intellectual property is the real, the 'smart' capital, why the conscious consistent dumbing down, the real weapon of mass destruction?!?

Pratima@ Wonder what Orwell would have thought of such double speak gobbledygook! May be, he would have written yet another "1984" with its new version of the Ministry of Truth!

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